Sunday, September 10, 2006


I have spent the last 2 hours or so coloring and decorating a plate. I am pledging Alpha Psi Omega, the theatre community service honor fraternity. In order to pledge we have to decorate a plate and then present them at tomorrow night's meeting. I hate talking in front of people. Especially standing up and having people look at me and knowing someone is going to pick me to be their little for the next two months. I am a little excited though. I have decorated my plate and like many other things I decorate or create, it started out looking very bad and then I continued adding until it looked like me. It reminds me of everything that I am, which was the point.
I am really excited about this school year. I am getting involved in everything. Which is something I never had time to do in high school. In high school I was so involved in the theatre that I never had time for anything else. I was at the theatre every day until 5:00 or 5:30 and then I would go home and do homework. If a show was about to start I might not leave until 10 or 11. Here the shop closes at 5:00 and that's it. So with all the extra time I will have I will be joining APO, working on the various shows (I am doing props for "The Night of The Iguana" and costumes for "Rocky"), in the American Sign Langauge Club, learning sign language, and I'm going to be invloved in the hall government for my dorm. Before school started I was excited, but worried about what lied ahead. I didn't know what was going to happen and I was worried that maybe I had made the wrong decision. Now I know that this was the best decision I ever made. I am so happy here and everything just seems amazing. I don't know what else could make it better. I'm even enjoying classes... so far anyways. I have great expectations for this year.

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