Tuesday, September 05, 2006

passenger seat

Have you ever sat in the passenger seat of a car and watched other people in their cars? I love it! People crack me up. In general they are very amusing when they don't realize they are being watched. This may seem slightly stalkerish, but I assure you it isn't. I started watching random people for acting classes. People have random mannerisms they don't realize exist and characters need to have those also. I am not an actor, but I continue to watch people because when you think about it everyone you meet affects your life in some way. This was pointed out to me when I read The Five People You Meet In Heaven. I love this book. It simply proves that everyone affects you in some way. For example, you may not say more than 5 words to the lady in the Maui Taco line when you get lunch but she affects your life. She keeps you from starving. That is important.

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