Tuesday, September 26, 2006

There is a quote from Booker T. Washington which states "Few things help an individual more than having responsiblity him and let him know you trust him." Entering into the Texas State theatre I fully expected to be a crew member with the shit jobs and no actual responsiblity. That is not the case. I have helped gather props in all my spare time for the past few weeks and for the rehearsals and run of "Night of The Iguana" I will be in charge of placing, keeping, and organizing all props. This is so much more than I expected in my first weeks here.
I have done props mulitiple times at my high school theatre, but that is a different place from here. I am familiar with those big, black, semi-organzied prop cabinets and the way that department and those directors run things. Here, I know nothing. I am grateful for the opprotunity and the faith that is being put in me, but I have to admit it is a terrifying thing.
After watching the run through of the second act last night I'm not as worried because this really isn't a prop heavy show. That's not to say I'm not worried at all, I'm just more prepared and a little more confident I can handle this. I know I can get through this. I can get through anything thrown at me, but I want to enjoy it and take something out of the experience in the end. I don't want to simply 'get throught it.'

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