Friday, September 22, 2006

I just got a phone call from a "Welcome Bobcats" program. I have been in school for a month now and they are calling to welcome me to school. They asked if I had any questions or needed help with anything.
If I needed help they would be really late. Why would you call after a month of school? If someone needs help adjusting, finding classes, or getting used to college life as they said their intention was I think calling after I've been here for four weeks is a little pointless.
On another note, I'm going home this weekend. I am so excited to see my family and friends from home. I have so many things planned I'm not sure if I'm going to get through them all.

1 comment:

SoulsWhisper said...

Going back home to visit friends is really nice. Reminds you that there still is a world that is very comfortable. In college its hard to feel at home sometimes. Nothing is what you grew up with and everyone around you is a stranger. I have a friend that moved to Califorina this year to study at UC berkley. He feels so lonley. He can still talk to people on phone and email and other online methods but its not the same. Be very glad you can still go back and see people you love.