Monday, November 27, 2006


Thanksgiving break in general was good. I saw old friends, hung out with family, and ate way too much food. However, I spent so much time with friends and family and pushed back my homework (i.e. english paper) until the very last minute. It's a rather bad paper at this point... that's going to be worked on later today. Break was a lot of fun though. I ate way too much food, that part wasn't fun. It was nice to see my family together. We played Dinsey Scene It. That game is oodles of fun. I won. My dad got mad. It was great.

My mom, of course, is worried about me. I understand why, but nothing is going to change. Every time I talk to her she tells me I need to take better care of myself and to make more time for myself. I have plenty of time for myself... it's just with other people doing, normally doing things for other people. This concerns her. She thinks I need to have time to myself, where I sit and relax. There is not enough hours in the day for something like that and even if there were I wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't do well just sitting for long amounts of time. Besides the fact that she is just as bad as me and really has no right to tell me I need to take better care of myself. She is just as bad as I am.

Thursday we drove to Plano to have thanksgiving with family friends and Friday we drove back home. We stopped in Fairfield to have lunch with Bret. When he said Fairfield was small he didn't lie. We ate a Ponte's diner. It was really good and a cute little place. Some crazy, hick customers, but we were able to ignore them.

Sunday, November 19, 2006


Friday night I went out with a bunch of friends. Colin came with us and we were all running around having a good time. When Colin was dropping me off at the dorm he said he had a present for me. He pulls a little bag out of the glove compartment. In it was this black and white pirate sticker. I love pirates! I was so excited because that wasn't something he had to do. I don't know why he bought that for me, it was random and sweet. He is awesome. He is the type of guy that would come over and make me chickent soup if I was sick.

I don't understand how Manda could have a problem with him when he does things like that. There is no reason for her to not trust him. I understand that she is worried about me, but she's going to have to let me figure this out for myself.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

sleep or lack thereof

Bret is quickly becoming one of my best friends here at Texas State. Last night I went over to his room to do hw and watch a movie. Then I went back to my room. We were talking over aim and discussing how hungry I was. He told me I needed to eat. The only thing in my dorm though are stale wheat thins. So he says "come over and eat some ramen."

This is a bad idea. It is 12:30 am when this statement is made. It is freezing outside. I don't want to go across the street to eat ramen noodles when I could easily go to sleep and forget I'm hungry. I explain all this and he simply states "c'mon. it's the college kid thing to do." So what do I do? I put on two sweaters and walk across the street to Retama. We make ramen and we sit in the lobby for a couple of hours. He sort of worked on bio and I distracted him as we talked about all sorts of random stuff.

Around 3am we remember he needs to do his laundry. So we go up to his room and sort his laundry, as quietly as possible so as not to wake his deaf roommate. That's right, DEAF roommate. We are tip-toeing around the room and whispering... because that's how we roll.

After Bret spends a good several minutes sorting his laundry we go downstairs and sit in the laundry room discussing life, books, random shit. It was exciting. It's a college kid thing.

I finally went to sleep at 5:30 this morning and then woke up at 10:45 for my 11 o'clock class. Go me. Then today, as with every other day this week, I went to class and was going non-stop from class to meeting and this and that and then Rocky and then to study... however I get a phone call saying I should go watch a movie instead of studying. Because I'm a good student I say no, but then I'm told I shouldn't be lame and I should go be a college kid.... How do I respond to this? I go out there and am a college kid.

So here it is... almost 2 am and I still haven't really studied for my math test and have probably gotten less than 25 hours of sleep in the past week. I guess it's a good thing I am so busy...other wise I might realize how tired I am and stop enjoying the college kid thing.

I'm actually going to go study now...

Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tonight I went on a date. It was simple and nice and so much fun. We went to go see Last Kiss. It was a good movie but it was so depressing. A very bad date movie. The whole movie is about relationships falling apart. In the end they do resolve themselves and everyone is happy, but until the end it's so sad and everyone hates everyone and you pretty much have no hope. I did get a new quote out of it though: "You can't fail if you never give up."
I thought that was a very interesting way of looking at a situation. People are always afraid of failing, but if you never stop trying then you'll never fail. That is a very good quote for me because I am terrified of doing badly with everything. I am a theatre major... it won't be as hard for me to find work as an actor but I will still get turned away from jobs. I can't ever give up looking though because then I will fail. I don't want that.
After the movie we walked around campus and back to the dorm and sat on the swing and talked for a couple of hours. One of the things we talked about was what we are going to do with our lives after college. We are getting theatre degrees... which pretty much means we won't have jobs after college. We'll save that discussion for another post though.

Sunday, November 12, 2006

Friday Fun

This has been a great weekend. On Friday Amanda got here and we were going none stop all day long. When she arrived I was in rehearsal for a directing 1 scene. She finally found her way to the room and sat and watched until 3:30 when I had to leave to go meet Tracy, Bret, and Micheal for a photoshoot for Tracy's photography project.

The photo shoot was a lot of fun. Tracy is deaf so I got to practice sign some. I have a really hard time reading her so it was hard but I understood most of what she said. The imortant stuff anyways. The theme of her photos was rock, paper, sissors. I was paper so she took pictures of me making the ASL sign for paper. She took it several different ways. With my face half in dark and half in light, things like that. Then she wanted pictures with me facing Bret. First of all I can't look at Bret for an extended period of time without laughing. I just can't do it, so it was a test of will power. Plus he is a foot taller than me. So I was on my knees on a chair (I now have bruises on my legs from the chair digging into my shins). Then I had to sit indian style on a table so she could get the shots of Micheal and me. Then I was done.That took until 5:15 and then I had to walk from the photography building back to Laurel and get all whored up for Rocky... again.

I managed to make it to the theatre only 5 minutes late. Selling tickets (even though it was Friday) wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. I was taking pictures and selling tickets until 7:30. At that point I had to run into the theatre and get Adele's stuff out of my bag and run it back to her then sit down before the show started. The show was amazing yet again. I loved it. Afterwards we were all starving though so we went to Taco C. and then to the Hookah bar.

I love the hookah bar. It had been a very long week so it was nice to sit and relax with some of my best friends from around here and Amanda who I had missed so much. We got some crazy looks from people though as we were all in our Rocky attire still. It was a great night. We didn't leave the hookah bar until at least 12:30 or 1. We still didn't get to sleep until 3 or 4 though because we went to Colin's apartment and watched other people make fools of themselves.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Today after my intro to fine arts class I rushed from place to place. I was going to go vote but didn't have time because I had classes all day and then after my last class I thought I had to work in the box office. I was wrong, so instead I had Kris run me to Target. We were looking for fish net stockings and a black short skirt for rocky. I was selling tickets and I wanted to dress up. They had NO fishnets so I called Lara and we ran to her apartment and I got hers. I then went back to my dorm and in less than half an hour I showered, got dressed and did my make up. I wore the fishnets, REALLY short red shorts, black heels, and a little bitty black tank top. I felt so naked.

I was walking out of the dorm at 6 when I realized it was still light outside and I did NOT want people to see me like that. So I ran back in and put on a pair of jeans over the shorts and tights. I ran to the theatre where a few other people were ready for the show. I love seeing the straightest guys in the entire world dressed in drag...

The show was amazing. There were a few tech problems that I noticed, but it was still outstanding. The live version is so much better than the movie. I had never got to see it live so I really enjoyed it. We had so much fun during the time warp and then yelling out the random audience lines. It was amazing. The costumes were brilliant. The energy was great. It was a great night. During intermission I went to see if Colin was still working in the editing lab. I walked in and there was a group of people besides Colin working on something. They all looked at me and just stared. Colin was staring too, but I was ok with that. I didn't know these other people. He came with me to see the second act, which was just as great as the first. Then afterwards we all went to IHOP. I got more looks and girls actually pointing and laughing at me there. They were not very nice. I decided to put my jeans back on after that. All in all it was a great night though.

movie nights

Tonight after my APO meeting Lara came up with the brilliant idea to have a movie night. After contemplating the homework that needed to get done I decided it was completely do-able. We went to Jaclyn's apt and made bags for "Rocky". We watched she's the man, eruo-trip, and ella enchanted. I had never seen Eruo-trip. It was so much fun. I love movies. I never get to watch movies because I'm always running around doing other things.

Not only did I get to sit and watch three completely random movies but I got to hang out with theatre friends that I don't normally see. I love how the most random and unplanned things bring people together. We were throwing things and snacking on gushers, it was amazing. At one point Lara and I were wrapped in toliet paper by Colin and Steven. Then before we could break apart they tackled us. It was great.

I think it was decided we are going to have another movie night on Thursday. I can't wait.