Monday, November 27, 2006


Thanksgiving break in general was good. I saw old friends, hung out with family, and ate way too much food. However, I spent so much time with friends and family and pushed back my homework (i.e. english paper) until the very last minute. It's a rather bad paper at this point... that's going to be worked on later today. Break was a lot of fun though. I ate way too much food, that part wasn't fun. It was nice to see my family together. We played Dinsey Scene It. That game is oodles of fun. I won. My dad got mad. It was great.

My mom, of course, is worried about me. I understand why, but nothing is going to change. Every time I talk to her she tells me I need to take better care of myself and to make more time for myself. I have plenty of time for myself... it's just with other people doing, normally doing things for other people. This concerns her. She thinks I need to have time to myself, where I sit and relax. There is not enough hours in the day for something like that and even if there were I wouldn't be able to handle it. I don't do well just sitting for long amounts of time. Besides the fact that she is just as bad as me and really has no right to tell me I need to take better care of myself. She is just as bad as I am.

Thursday we drove to Plano to have thanksgiving with family friends and Friday we drove back home. We stopped in Fairfield to have lunch with Bret. When he said Fairfield was small he didn't lie. We ate a Ponte's diner. It was really good and a cute little place. Some crazy, hick customers, but we were able to ignore them.

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