Tuesday, November 07, 2006


Today after my intro to fine arts class I rushed from place to place. I was going to go vote but didn't have time because I had classes all day and then after my last class I thought I had to work in the box office. I was wrong, so instead I had Kris run me to Target. We were looking for fish net stockings and a black short skirt for rocky. I was selling tickets and I wanted to dress up. They had NO fishnets so I called Lara and we ran to her apartment and I got hers. I then went back to my dorm and in less than half an hour I showered, got dressed and did my make up. I wore the fishnets, REALLY short red shorts, black heels, and a little bitty black tank top. I felt so naked.

I was walking out of the dorm at 6 when I realized it was still light outside and I did NOT want people to see me like that. So I ran back in and put on a pair of jeans over the shorts and tights. I ran to the theatre where a few other people were ready for the show. I love seeing the straightest guys in the entire world dressed in drag...

The show was amazing. There were a few tech problems that I noticed, but it was still outstanding. The live version is so much better than the movie. I had never got to see it live so I really enjoyed it. We had so much fun during the time warp and then yelling out the random audience lines. It was amazing. The costumes were brilliant. The energy was great. It was a great night. During intermission I went to see if Colin was still working in the editing lab. I walked in and there was a group of people besides Colin working on something. They all looked at me and just stared. Colin was staring too, but I was ok with that. I didn't know these other people. He came with me to see the second act, which was just as great as the first. Then afterwards we all went to IHOP. I got more looks and girls actually pointing and laughing at me there. They were not very nice. I decided to put my jeans back on after that. All in all it was a great night though.

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