Tuesday, November 07, 2006

movie nights

Tonight after my APO meeting Lara came up with the brilliant idea to have a movie night. After contemplating the homework that needed to get done I decided it was completely do-able. We went to Jaclyn's apt and made bags for "Rocky". We watched she's the man, eruo-trip, and ella enchanted. I had never seen Eruo-trip. It was so much fun. I love movies. I never get to watch movies because I'm always running around doing other things.

Not only did I get to sit and watch three completely random movies but I got to hang out with theatre friends that I don't normally see. I love how the most random and unplanned things bring people together. We were throwing things and snacking on gushers, it was amazing. At one point Lara and I were wrapped in toliet paper by Colin and Steven. Then before we could break apart they tackled us. It was great.

I think it was decided we are going to have another movie night on Thursday. I can't wait.

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