Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Tonight I went on a date. It was simple and nice and so much fun. We went to go see Last Kiss. It was a good movie but it was so depressing. A very bad date movie. The whole movie is about relationships falling apart. In the end they do resolve themselves and everyone is happy, but until the end it's so sad and everyone hates everyone and you pretty much have no hope. I did get a new quote out of it though: "You can't fail if you never give up."
I thought that was a very interesting way of looking at a situation. People are always afraid of failing, but if you never stop trying then you'll never fail. That is a very good quote for me because I am terrified of doing badly with everything. I am a theatre major... it won't be as hard for me to find work as an actor but I will still get turned away from jobs. I can't ever give up looking though because then I will fail. I don't want that.
After the movie we walked around campus and back to the dorm and sat on the swing and talked for a couple of hours. One of the things we talked about was what we are going to do with our lives after college. We are getting theatre degrees... which pretty much means we won't have jobs after college. We'll save that discussion for another post though.

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