Tuesday, October 03, 2006

creepy guys

I don't know what it is, but there is something about us - my best friends and I - that attracts creepy guys. We don't really mind because it always ends up being a good laugh, but it's still weird when it happens. For instance, one night last summer we were driving through The Woodlands to go home from a movie. We are in Ashlee's mustang so we are driving with the window's down and the music up. This suv pulls up next to us and these guys stick their head out the window (while driving) and say "Hey! Do you want to get out of your car and into ours?" We have never seen these guys and we never will again. It was just one of the many incidents that happen to us surprisingly often.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

good post. wish i could relate, but guys usually don't have this kind of problem, they're the creep-ers, not the creep-ies. how's the play going so far?