Wednesday, October 25, 2006

I love my friends and family. It makes me happy at how supportive and caring they are for me and right now, as annoying as they maybe, I'm glad to know I have people there for me. At the same time, however, it's driving me crazy to be asked several times a day "how are you"?

My friends from home mean the world to me. I can't even begin to describe how badly I want to see Amanda, Ashlee, and Lindsey right now. I would do anything to spend some time with them right now. I don't need people taking care of me and asking me if I'm ok. I need people who know me and understand what I want without me having to say anything.

ugh... I think the weather is making me feel depressed. It's just been an awkward day. I went back to my room after class and slept for a few hours. I don't take naps normally, it makes me feel lazy. I need to go do something productive. Sitting here in my room is going to drive me crazy.

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