Sunday, October 01, 2006

Everyone is at Kris' apartment and we sit and decide what we want to do. We have to watch Clue at some point because I've wanted to watch it for the past three weeks. We order pizza and sit and talk for a while. After a while Davila asks where he is. Not here, at home with family. Just thinking about him makes me smile. I can't stop, why can't I stop smiling. It's ridiculous really, to smile like this at the thought of a person. One human being. Davila thinks it's adorable how much I like him. I think it's funny how much one person can affect your life. I don't mean someone you are attracted to necessarily, everyone you come in contact with effects you.
I've been effected by him because I am now reading books I wouldn't have been interested in before, I'm actually learning sign language instead of just saying I want to. Because he affected me in this way, I'm affecting others, Katie is learning with me. I have started signing as I talk just to practice, which creates conversation, and sometimes confusion, with other people.
People change you without you knowing it all the time. I like the changes that are happening.

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