Friday, October 06, 2006

Math test

Mr. H - Thank you so much for telling me to leave.

Wow... the test was not bad. Between the test and english I devoured a bad of chips because food wakes me up and if I'm hungry I won't focus. When I went to take the test the first 8 or 9 problems were a breeze and becaue they were so easy I was worried that I did something wrong, but I looked back and there was nothing else I could have done. I looked over the last part of the test and found a mixture problem, which I did right away because I know how to do those and time was running out. I was left with problems 10, 11 and 13. I had 10 minutes left and once I understood what 10 was asking it was fine and 11 I was able to figure out on the calculator. I had no idea how to do 13. I remembered looking at the problem last night (actually it was this morning at 2) with Jessica, but I could not for the life of me figure out how to set it up. I just bubbled in a random number because time was up and I didn't know what else to do. Jessica worked it out later and I picked the wrong letter. So after reviewing the test with Jessica at breakfast I think I missed three. We'll see though. I hate making bad grades.
Now it's time for a much needed weekend. My classes are over for the day, the cast party for Iguana is tonight, and my parents are coming in to meet my boyfriend and see the show tomorrow. It's gonna be a great weekend.

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