Friday, October 27, 2006

drunk people

Last night/ early this morning I was in my room studying for my math test (which I think I did rather well on). I hear male voices outside my door. I check the clock on my laptop. 2:20 am. We have visiting hours in our dorm and then end and midnight on week nights. I don't care that they are talking because I simply put my headphones on and listen to music to block it out while studying. However, my roommate, who was still awake from the Monster she had earlier, heard every word they said and was laughing rather hard. I look over at her. She looked rather ridicuolus because she was attempting to laugh and not make any noise because she didn't want them to hear her. I turned off the music and start listening.

The story as I gathered is this: Two girls in a room somewhere near my room went to a party last night and got smashed. One of the roomates, we will call her A, locked her keys in the car. The other roommate, we will call her B, was angry at A for doing this. The two guys that were with them were trying to help them into their rooms so they could sober up. Not having a key complicates things though. They had to wake up the RA on call and have her get the extra key. They got into their room and one of them started throwing up and then immediatly said she wanted to go back to the party. It was ridiculous.

So because I was listening to this rather amusing incident I was not studying. Therefore once it quieted down I got back to the studying and went to sleep around 3 or 3:15. Woke up at 7:30 and went to english at 8:00. What a fun night. The moral of this story is simple. If you're going to get drunk and be stupid in the hallway of a dorm, remember that the walls are like paper and by morning everyone will know what happened.

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