Thursday, October 19, 2006

Him that I love, I wish to be free -- even from me.
Anne Morrow Lindbergh

I love quotes. I have a book of quotes that I am always adding to. I have certian quotes that just explain how I feel when I can't find the words. The quote at top is how I feel right now...Love is too strong a word, but it gets the point across. I told him he needed to do what is best for him... God, those words were hard to say. It seems so silly for me to be so upset. I've known him for (how long have we been in school?) 2 months?
I see him 4 days out of the week, if I want to or not, I see him. He is in my acting class, he is pledging APO with me, and he's VP of ASLC. And I am NOT changing my life so I can avoid something that is unpleasant or difficult. I'm not going to not be his friend, because I'm not mad at him. I understand why he had to do this, we are here, at Texas State, to get an education. That's what we both need to focus on. And if it were anyone else saying this I would think it was a load of shit. But this is the kind of person he is, he is responsible and smart. That's why I like him.
He told me he didn't like seeing the people he cared about upset and he hugged me... I don't know if I'm glad or if it just made it worse. I don't want to face our friends and have to have them ask questions and answer their questions... Whatever. I'm going to sleep and maybe it'll be better in the morning... if nothing else I have chocolate cake in the fridge. I'm in college now, I can totally eat chocolate cake for breakfast.

1 comment:

D Hadbawnik said...

well, at least for now you can eat anything you want. doesn't work anymore when you hit your... well, nevermind. heard iguana was pretty good, congrats.