Thursday, October 05, 2006

Night of the Iguana is going amazingly well... except that it seems like I've spent more time working on it now that it's running than I did preping for it. Yet, I've managed to also spend more time with my boyfriend, talke to my mom at several different ponts, e-mail several people and get more things accomplished. All in all it is 12:30 am, I have been back from the theatre for a total of 15 minutes and I have a math test to study for tomorrow. I don't have time to study because if I study and don't sleep it might actually be worse than me sleeping and not studying. I've decided life would be perfect if I didn't have to do classes like math or english (sorry Mr. H) or the things I don't give a shit about really... Let me do theatre for 8 hours a day and I will be content and learn the things I'm interested about. I am tired and not sure what the point of this post is besides the fact that it is indeed a post and taking care of my writing requirements for the next class that I haven't had time to do.

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